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Study Skills to Achieve Success in Exams


If you consider the entire course as a period of preparation before the final exam, the chances are high that you will pass your tests with flying colors.

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Balancing Education, Budget, Traveling, and Social Life while Studying Abroad


It is a difficult task to learn how to balance your education, traveling, budget, and social life. Talking about me personally, I always felt guilty of choosing traveling over studying, and there were many times when it was too difficult to come back to my studies.

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Dress for Success


Undoubtedly, you may regard yourself as the most suitable applicant with considerable experience, but sometimes, talent and knowledge are not sufficient for obtaining a job.

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How to Deal With Being Overwhelmed


There are periods in our lives when everything is going smoothly, we’re getting what we want, circumstances are favorable to us and no one can disappoint us.

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