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Interesting Facts about Groundhog Day


Groundhog Day was celebrated for the first time on the 2nd of February 1886 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. However, the legend of the groundhog’s predicting prowess appeared in 1887. A company of followers visited Gobbler’s Knob to tell people that the groundhog had a special power to determine when the winter was going to end.

If this rodent comes out of its cave and immediately scampers back and does not spot its shadow, winter will end soon. However, if the rodent spots the shadow, there is a big probability that the cold and snowy weather will go on for several weeks.

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How to Deal With Being Overwhelmed


There are periods in life which are full of stress, negativity, and overwhelming events and emotions. Most people evaluate them as negative, but it is a huge mistake as these periods are given to us to learn a lesson or two.

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The Most Exciting Traditions of the Chinese New Year


The Chinese New Year is a worldwide celebrated holiday, favored by both Chinese and non-Chinese communities. Alongside with the typical for the Western Culture New Year rejoicing, more and more people these days get attracted by this novelty to celebrate the coming of the new year the second time. According to the lunar calendar, the Chinese have their New Year sometime between January 21 and February 20 which allows lots of people all over the world to have another opportunity for partying. What actually makes the Chinese New Year a universal appeal is the whole bunch of exciting traditions that certainly add the specific charm to the holiday.

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Student Professor Relationships in College


Your college professors experience the same human emotions as all other people do. The way your teacher feels about you often affects the amount of time he/she is going to spend on explaining you some particular material and influences the recommendation, which he or she is going to write for your thesis or job application.

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